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Our vision and values

Our Federation's shared vision is: 

We respect everyone as individuals growing together as a community, flourishing through compassion, nurture and inspirational learning.

Our vision is rooted in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - 'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing'.

Our vision is underpinned by our core values of FriendshipRespect and Compassion.

Our Christian Ethos

Our Remembrance Service at the War Memorial.

Remembrance Day

Children's Collective Worship Committee

Children also take a leading role on a regular basis, through our Children's Collective Worship Committee (CCWC).   Throughout the year, the CCWC set up for Collective Worship each day as well as plan and deliver some of our Collective Worship.  They also organise new Collective Worship resources.

CWC 2024-2025

The CCWC delivered a whole-school assembly about Anti-Bullying Week & this year's theme: Choose Respect.