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Wrap Around Care

We provide a wrap around care service every weekday, before school from 8.00am to registration and after school from 3:15pm to 5:30pm (5pm on a Friday).

Our before and after school provision is overseen by school staff, and we are based in the school hall but also make use of our outdoor area in fair weather.

We are open to all children on roll at our school.

Bookings are requested on a half-termly basis - booking forms will be circulated by the school office or are available on request. All pre-booked sessions will be chargeable unless there are exceptional circumstances, subject to agreement with the Headteacher.

Before School Club - Every weekday 8.00am to registration

Before school club is available from 8.00 am. Various activities are available in a free-flow format. 

Current charges are: drop-off from 8am - £5.00, drop-off from 8.15am - £3.00.

After School Club - Every weekday 3:15pm to 5:30pm (5.00pm on a Friday)

Activities include construction (Lego, Knex), science and Arts and Crafts.

All children attending the club are provided with a healthy snack and drink during the session. Snacks include a selection of fruit, bread and crackers. Water is always available.

Current charges are: collection by 5.00pm - £7.00, collection by 5.30pm - £10.00.

To find out more please contact the school office - 01423 330460, admin@kirkhammerton.n-yorks.sch.uk