PTFA of Kirk Hammerton
The PTFA play a key role in the life of our school. We raise important funds to enrich and enhance the learning and education of the children at school. We also engage in activities that promote the social cohesion of the broader school family and local community.
How our PTFA works
People can join the Friends Committee at the AGM held each year in the autumn term, to which all parents are invited. We hold one meeting per half term which is minuted and there are planning meetings inbetween to organise specific events.
Who's on the Committee?
We are a small, friendly committee that consists of the following people:
Co-Chairs: Verity Bedford & Sherry Bonnet
Treasurer: Uell Kennedy & Verity Bedford
General members: Emily Rhowbotham & Catherine Atkinson
What do we do?
We are a group of dedicated fundraisers made up of a chair, treasurer & committee, who lead the school and wider community in fun fundraising activities throughout the year.
Our aim is to raise vital extra funds for the school, to enhance pupils learning experience in school, whilst creating a sense of community.
Throughout the year we organise events such as Christmas & summer fairs, school discos, film club and Easter family fun. These events help us to support school trips, Year 6 leavers' gifts, and resources for class enrichment. All of this is alongside our long term fundraising goal of continuous development of the school outside areas, for our children to enjoy for years to come!
We are a small team, and always welcome any support, and any new fundraising ideas. We are always open to welcoming new members to our fundraising team.
Please speak to Verity, Catherine, Emily, Sherry or let the school office know if you are able to help.
How can you get involved?
You can join the Committee at the AGM or contact one of the committee members to see how you can offer informal help. We are always delighted to accept any help that you can offer, be it manning a stall at the Christmas Fair, helping out at Film Night or baking a cake for the Easter Tea.
Past events we have organised ...
Events in the last year include: childrenās disco, the Christmas Fair, Wreath Night, Easter Fun, termly Film Nights, Supper Nights, car boot sales and the annual Summer BBQ. By organising a variety of events, we hope to keep the level of interest high and support our aim to bring people together.
Contact us or speak to one of the Committee members .